Grandma's Gingivitis and Herbal Healing Guide

photo of a closeup view of gingivitis photo of a woman munching on an apple a great natural remedy for gingivitis prevention photo of a toothbrush natural source of preventing gingivitis

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums resulting from infection. If your gums are flushed or bluish in color, if they are swollen, painful and sensitive to the touch, if they bleed readily and if you tend to have an unpleasant mouth odor, you are likely to have gingivitis.

Inadequate dental hygiene and vitamin deficiencies due to poor nutrition are the primary causes of this gum disease. These conditions foster the accumulation of plaque, the filmy deposits of bacteria and food particles that adhere to the teeth. Plaque at the gum line makes an ideal breeding gourd for infection.

As infected gums swell, they create larger gaps between teeth and gums that harbor yet more plaque and infection. Even when touched lightly, inflamed gums ache and begin to bleed.

Hormonal changes, diabetes , stress and allergies can also inflame gums. Gingivitis marks an early stage of periodontal disease; if untreated, the bone beneath the teeth begins to wear away.

Treatments with herbal tinctures and rinses can help, but the most potent weapon against this disease is prevention. See Grandma's Cavity Prevention Guide for more information.

Proper Dental Hygiene for
Gum Disease and Bleeding Gums

Thorough and regular cleaning of the teeth and the spaces between them prevents gum inflammation. Make flossing your teeth a daily habit and dental checkups routine.

Eat foods rich in vitamin as, roughage and minerals to prevent deficiencies and to strengthen our immune system . Try to avoid refined carbohydrates and foods high in sugar.

If your gums are inflamed, under no circumstances should you stop your dental care to avoid bleeding or pain; this will make the problem worse. Rinse your mouth with medicinal herb extracts to alleviate the inflammation. If inflammation persists, see your dentist for immediate treatment.

  • Don't use overly firm toothbrushes, and don't press too hard when brushing. This can irritate or injure the gums, which may result in inflammation and gingivitis.
  • Change your toothbrush every 4 weeks, because old toothbrushes become infested with bacteria and fungus.
  • Use dental floss, toothpicks, or interdental-space brushes to clean the spaces between teeth. A water-spray device massages the gums.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal, or after eating sugary snacks.
  • Keep a toothbrush at your workplace for use during the day, or at least drink plenty of water to keep acids neutral.

photo of dental floss tied in a bow on a perfect set of teeth and free of gingivitis photo of bloodroot blossom a natural herbal remedy for gingivitis photo of a white oak bark tree a natural herbal remedy for gingivitis

Gingivitis and Natural Herbal Healing

Healthy Foods

Nutrition plays an essential role in preventing gingivitis. Chewing grains, fruits and vegetables, foods rich in roughage, stimulates and massages the gums; it also cleans away plaque so gums stay healthy. Raw fruits and vegetables are best for these jobs. Fresh fruit also supplies vitamin C, which reduces inflammation and strengthens the gums.

Sage and Eucalyptus Oil to Soothe Inflammation

Sage is recommended for use as a rinse and gargle for inflammation of the mouth and throat cavity because of its calming, anti-inflammatory effect.

Boil 1-2 tablespoons of dried and crushed sage leaves in 1 cup of water; steep for 20 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth several times a day. Chewing fresh sage leaves may also prove beneficial.

Massage your gums regularly before bedtime with eucalyptus oil is another way to speed the healing of the inflammation. The massage stimulates blood flow so the tissues are better supplied with nutrients, and the eucalyptus oil is germicidal.

Tincture of Myrrh to Kill Germs

Tincture of myrrh kills germs and supports the natural immunity of the body. For a minor infection of the gums, rinse daily with tincture of myrrh.

Tincture of Myrrh Recipe

Grind 1/3 ounce of myrrh in a coffee mill and pour 3 tablespoons of pure alcohol, such as vodka, over it. Store the tincture in a well-sealed container in the dark for about 2 days. Shake it several times a day. Strain the tincture through a coffee filter before use.

For more severe inflammations, use tincture of bloodroot. Bloodroot has been shown to decrease plaque formation. The two tinctures may also be diluted with water and used as a mouthwash. Make sure not to swallow this mixture.

Tincture of Bloodroot Mouthwash Recipe

To make a mouthwash, blend equal parts of bloodroot and oak bark. Boil 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 2 cups of water; steep and strain. Add several drops of myrrh or clove essential oil.

Caution: Avoid using bloodroot during pregnancy..

Tea-Tree Oil

Australian tea-tree oil is a highly effective disinfectant, yet it is gentle to the tissues and therefore is often employed in dental medicines. You can apply it undiluted with a cotton swab to the inflamed gums as often as needed.


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