Grandma's Cavity Prevention Guide

photo of girl with a toothache needs to learn cavity prevention photo of neon teeth for dentist to advertise cavity prevention photo of a toothbrush for cavity prevention

Cavity prevention begins with the baby's first teeth. In many cases, genetic factors affecting saliva and enamel hardness make people more prone to tooth decay and cavities. However, the primary causes of cavities and tooth decay are insufficient dental care and a poor diet with too many refined carbohydrates. Both of these causes lead to a buildup of plaque, a filmy coating of bacteria, food particles and mucus.

The bacteria breaks down sugars and produce acids that leach minerals out of the teeth. The enamel surface of the tooth and ultimately the dentin, the inner core, begin to wear away, resulting in cavities. If left untreated, decay can travel down to the tooth's nerve and even to the jawbone. The gums are just as important as the teeth for cavity prevention, see Grandma's Gingivitis and Herbal Healing Guide .

Everyone wants to avoid a visit to the dentist. The best way to protect against cavities and ensure fewer trips to the dentist is to consistently maintain good home dental care.

Structure of the Teeth:

  • Enamel
  • Cavity
  • Gum
  • Pulp
  • Dentin
  • jawbone

photo of a woman's mouth with dental floss tied in a bow to illustrate cavity prevention photo of a woman eating an apple promotes cavity prevention photo of a pot and a cup of green tea for natural fluoride for cavity prevention

Green Tea a Natural Fluoride Remedy
for Cavity Prevention

Did you know that drinking one cup of green tea every day can prevent tooth decay and is actually a good natural source of fluoride? Fluoride hardens the tooth enamel and therefore helps to prevent cavities. Use 1 level teaspoon of tea leaves for a cup of tea. Add hot water to barely cover the tea leaves and pour it off right away, this will make the tea less bitter. Pour on more hot waste; steep 3-6 minutes.

Of course green tea won't replace regular dental care and a balanced diet for cavity prevention. Maintain a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and roughage. You should also eat foods that encourage energetic chewing, such as whole-grain bread and raw vegetables. See the dentist every six months to catch cavities in their early stages and to have them treated immediately.

Preventive measures for babies:

A mother's thorough dental-hygiene routine can have a positive influence on the health of her baby's teeth. It prevents cavity bacteria in the mother from being transferred to the baby's mouth when, for example, the mother licks a child's spoon or pacifier. Also, don't give a baby a bottle containing a sugary drink because she will be tempted to suck continuously. Unfortunately, it is not enough for juice to be labeled "no-added sugar."

Dental care begins with the first tooth:

Teach your child good brushing habits early. Up to one year of age, it is sufficient to clean your child's teeth every evening with a cotton swab; no toothpaste is necessary. Later, brush your child's teeth after every meal with a soft children's toothbrush. If your child is less than six years old and wants to brush his own teeth, it's recommended that you brush them again yourself to ensure a thorough cleaning.

Cavity Prevention through
Proper Dental Care


Brush your teeth after every meal (particularly if you eat or drink anything containing sugar). Brush with small, circular motions. To avoid damaging the enamel and gums, use a soft toothbrush and do not apply too much pressure to the brush. Rinse your mouth if you can't brush.

Dental floss:

Keep the areas between your teeth clear of food particles by flossing regularly in a gentle back and forth movement.

Calcium protects the teeth:

A calcium rich diet that includes dairy products, especially during childhood, strengthens teeth and protects the enamel against attacks by acid-forming bacteria. To help eliminate the acid production of plaque, choose an aged cheese, such as cheddar, and eat it just before meals.

Avoid sugar:

Cavity-causing bacteria are mainly fed by sugar. It doesn't matter what kind of sugar you eat, refined sugar, fructose, brown sugar or honey. Many small portions over a longer period will give bacteria a constant food supply, allowing the acids they produce to work for a long time. But brief acid attacks (for example, when you eat a candy bar all at once) can be resisted by the buffering effect of the saliva.

Sweets that are safe for teeth:

For a tooth-friendly treat, try 2 teaspoons of an herb extract, such as fennel, anise, licorice or cinnamon. Consider indulging our sweet tooth with fresh vegetables, such as sweet bell peppers and carrots. The minerals in the raw vegetables help maintain a lower acid level in the saliva and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Fresh fruits make a great dessert, especially fruits like apples, pears and peaches. Fresh fruits are particularly healthy for you teeth when you don't have access to your toothbrush.


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