Grandma's Lemon-balm Tea Recipes &
Relaxing Tonic Remedies

photo of a lemon-balm plant in bloom photo of a potted lemon-balm plant sitting on a deck photo of picked lemon-balm and pepper on kitchen shelf waiting to be chopped

Lemon-balm tea is known as a tonic that raises the spirits, other common names are "gentle balm", "garden balm", and "sweet balm". Often recommend for children with nervous conditions and sleep disorders.

The multifaceted healing effects of lemon-balm tea were known as far back as the eighth century when Emperor Charlemagne ordered that the medicinal lemon balm, Melissa officinalis, be grown in every garden. This medicinal herb plant emits a fresh, lemony aroma when you rub it between your fingers. The essential oil in lemon balm, aldehyde (commonly known as citronella), is responsible for the plant's characteristic lemony aroma as well as it many medicinal properties.

Lemon-balm tea is useful for alleviating nervous digestive and heart disorders and promoting sleep. The herb is known to reduce menstrual cramps and calms tension headaches, migraines and gastrointestinal cramps. This medicinal tea is also beneficial for improving concentration and lifting depression.

photo of woman's toes sticking out of a lemon balm bath photo of a frosty glass of water with springs of lemon-balm photo of a lemon-balm pop

Lemon-balm Medicinal Tea Recipes

The effect of lemon-balm tea is calming and relaxing. Its flavonoids strengthen the heart and circulatory system while the bitter constituents and tannins contained in lemon-balm can soothe nausea, diarrhea and flatulence. Click here to read Grandma's Home Remedy for chronic diarrhea . Also enjoy more of Grandma's herbal remedies for flatulence .

Basic Lemon-balm Tea Recipe

The leaves of this herb have long been appreciated for their flavor. Pour a generous cup of freshly boiled water over 1-2 teaspoons of dried lemon-balm leaves and steep, covered, for 10 minutes. Keep the leaves covered to prevent most of the essential oils from escaping. Drink a total of 3-4 cups over the course of a day, preferably before meals.

Calming Lemon-balm Tea Recipe for Children

  • 1 ounce of lemon-balm leaves
  • 1 ounce passionflower green parts
  • 2/3 ounce chamomile flowers
  • 2/3 ounce St. John's Wort
  • This tea has a calming effect and is helpful for difficulties in concentration or falling asleep. Mix herbs well. Steep 1-2 teaspoons of the tea mixture in 1 cup of boiled water, covered, for 10 minutes and strain.

    Herbal Tea for Stress Related Gastrointestinal Cramps

    • 1 ounce lemon-balm leaves
    • 1/2 ounce fennel seeds
    • 3/4 ounce peppermint leaves
    • 1/3 ounce valerian root

    Medicinal Tea for Nervous Heart Complaints

    • 1 ounce lemon-balm leaves
    • 1 ounce hawthorn flowers
    • 1 ounce chamomile flowers
    • 1 ounce valerian root

    This tea may be helpful for nervous heart complaints caused by stress or anxiety. Mix herbs well. Steep 1-2 teaspoons of the tea mixture in 1 cup of boiled water, covered, for 10 minutes and strain. Honey may be added for taste.

    Daily washes with a lemon-balm infusion can eliminate impurities of the skin. To enable the lemon-balm components to penetrate deeply, allow the treated parts to air dry. Here are more of Grandma's Skin Rash Herbal Remedies .

    Medicinal Remedies & Lemon-Balm

    Heart Palpitations Soothed

    The combination of flavonoids and citronellal has a strengthening effect on the nerves of the heart. Complaints such as heart palpitations and general feeling of nervousness may be soothed with lemon-balm tea. However, if these symptoms persist, contact a physician.

    Medicinal Help for Gastrointestinal Problems

    The agents in lemon balm stimulate the productions of gastric juice and bile in the body. These components also promote digestion and help resolve such complaints as burping, nausea and flatulence. Lemon-balm tea is particularly effective against stress-related conditions.

    Stress at School

    Try giving a cup of lemon-balm tea to school children faced with tests. It will help them remain calm and receptive. Give your child 1 cup of the herbal tea before and after school, as well as at bedtime. Sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey for a nice treat before bed.

    Relieve Abdominal Cramps

    The antispasmodic effect of lemon balm may be felt in a warm immersion bath. Briefly boil 1 rounded cupful of fresh, or 2/3 cup of dried lemon balm in 1 quart of water. After approximately 15 minutes, strain the decoction into the bath. A 20-minute immersion bath will also help relieve menstrual pain.

    Lemon-balm Tea Relieves Sleep Disorders

    If you are anxious at night and can't fall asleep or if you are often awakened by nightmares, prepare a large cup of lemon-balm tea and drink it in small sips. It will calm overexcited nerves and allow you to get a good night's rest. Read more of Grandma's herbal remedies for sleep disorders .

    Treat Wounds with Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm also has a slight antibacterial and antibacterial effect, so the tea can be used externally to treat wounds that are slow to heal. Bathe the affected area frequently and let it air dry.


    The statement's made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.


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