Warts be Gone

by Mrs lee Munro
(Nova Scotia Canada)

Rub dry baking soda on your warts(do not wet hands afterwards) do this approx. 3 times daily you will see a significant change in your wart after the first or second rub. It works I know, I have been plagued with warts for yrs.

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Dec 19, 2009
Please answer these Questions:
by: Anonymous

Hi, dose any one know,
How long should I keep it on for? and how much should be aplyed? Also I wanted to know if this temparaly removied the wort(s) or if it/they reapeared
Thx. so much

Nov 14, 2009
Home Remedy for Warts
by: Grandma

Thank you Mrs. Munro, for your unique home remedy for warts. I have been dealing with a wart for several months and have tried several home remedies, I guess you could say just about anything I can think of and have had no luck. I can't wait to try what you suggested. I have to admit, I would have never thought of baking soda.


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