The toe nail fungus syndrome! by: Elizabeth Warners
Soak twice a day in sea salt/ dead sea organic salt, dry with a blow dryer(really!), and apply
in a base of jojoba oil: tea tree, oregano, lavender, thyme/ grapefruit seed oil(several drops).
Cut nails short and square and apply on total nail and surrounding skin paying attention to between edge of nail and skin.
Keep white socks on with running shoes... I even wash the shoes (shame on me) and let them sun dry.
Sam, from Beenefits sold me raw propolis to apply 2xday internal and external. it is ugly and black and he has pictures of its success in his store in Miami, cheaper than from Amazon(!)
Eat garlic, take pre/probiotics and be sure you do not have Candida. So, get rid of sugar and junk food which s a host. Let the feet breathe.
Feb 12, 2015 Rating
toe nail fungus by: Anonymous
Grandma, I know that you have this one and I would just like to add the Essential oil that may help. Rosemary is a great essential oil to have on hand for many uses. It is a natural anti-fungal oil. You could even put a few drops to the toenail after you have soaked it in the cider and while the nail and surrounding skin is soft just a couple of drops to the area would be a benefit. And if you have the rosemary on hand it is a wonderful oil to have for the winter months with colds and flus. You can put it in a humidifier and you can also add it to some, say olive oil to rub on the chests of the sick ones.
Good luck.
Feb 11, 2015 Rating
Toenail Fungus Recipe by: Patricia
Hello Kallie,
At first it's best to try 50/50, say 1 cup of warm water to 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar, once you see you can deal with it you can start making the recipe stronger until it's just Apple Cider Vinegar or if your nails are really bad and you're dealing with a fungus then I'd suggest you try the Apple Cider Vinegar with Listerine recipe.