Toe Nail Fungus/Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

If we create a foot bath of 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and 1/2 Warm Water, can we reuse the mixture on a daily basis

Does the bacteria from the foot and toenail wind up in the
Apple Cider Vinegar and warm water mixture after usage,
and then later re-infect the foot and toenail when re-used

Thank you

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Dec 08, 2017
Don't understand NEW
by: Anonymous

Like what do u mean u can use many times like do u mean days??.. weeks??.. Then make new batch with the apple cider vinegar and listerine?

Jan 03, 2012
Apple Cider Vinegar Bath
by: Anonymous

I'm just starting using apple cider vinegar for my toenail fungus & I wanted to know if I can soak my feet for 30 minutes twice a day without diluting the vinegar with water & if so, how many times can I use it before throwing it out. Thank you for your time.

Aug 27, 2011
toe nail fungus
by: Beccie

Grandma always has good information for alternative remedies for your health. I would like to add that if you want to try another alternative to the apple cider vinegar bath and use Essential Oils, there is a formula that has proven to work on a friend of mine with Brittle Diabeties. She told me that she couldn't get rid of it no matter what she did and at that time, I was studying Essential Oils. I had sent her a bottle of Aches and Pains formula for her body. She always hurt and I wanted to help her.
Long story short, she used it on her toenail fungus and it worked. We both were amazed. It is made of 3 different EO's and jojoba as the carrier oil.
If you look over to the left and see what's new? there is my formula for toe nail fungus.
If you have any questions about the formula please feel free to write me at Sincerely, Beccie

Aug 23, 2011
Apple Cider Vinegar & Water
by: Grandma

Since you're going to be using Apple Cider Vinegar and warm water for your foot bath I'd only use it a couple of times before making a fresh batch. The vinegar will kill the bacteria in the fungus but I really don't like the idea of keeping water around too long.

You might want to try the Listerine and Apple Cider Vinegar foot bath, that you can use many times before making a new batch.


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