Thank you from Spain!!


Hello Grandma,

I am a 32 years young lady from Spain,Valencia. I recently found your website...and I want to say thank you! I have a mega-colon and I am struggling with it...I am taking agiolax, I do already have 5 years taken it...I do have cramps, flatulence, pain...I have tried the mixture for constipation and it seems of help.

I think i have irritable bowel from taking agiolax, so I am doing the peppermint tea and mixtures from your webside... I think your webside is very positive and I am happy of finding people like you.

I use vinegar for smells in my clothes before I wash them, I put some vinegar into the smelly bits, leave them 10 mins and then I wash them normally and the bad
smells are gone!! sports clothes above all.

If you have any suggestion for food, drinks that can help me or that I should avoid for mega-colon will be great to know.

Muchas gracias.


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Jan 04, 2011
by: Grandma

Salome, I always recommend Magnesia Phospharia #8, these you take 4 tablets and dissolve under your tongue. I've been buying mine online. The price is really reasonable and you'll be amazed at the results.

Happy New Year Salome, I pray this year you'll enjoy better health,


Jan 01, 2011
by: Salome

Hello Grandma,

Many thanks for responding so quickly, I am definitly going to try remedies for flatulence and magneseum.

I just have a question, what would be best, magneseum in tablets or others? because I did try the constipation remedy with oats bran and it has no effect,best with wheat bran.

I wish you the BEST for this year 2011!!

Un saludo,


Dec 31, 2010
You're so Welcome
by: Grandma

Hello Salome,

There are times when I hear from visitors to my website that just amaze me and this is one of those times. I don't think I'll ever get use to how the internet connects us to the world. But then again, I grew up in the era when just having a phone or TV was a luxury that few people had.

I'm so happy that you are trying some of my home remedies and getting some relief. I wonder if you found the page I wrote on flatulence. If not, you can find it if you press the button on the left marked "Ailments/Remedy". Look for the link, you'll find some good recipes for those awful gas cramps you're suffering from.

I'd also recommend you try adding magneseum to your diet. I have recommended it to many people with your condition and they have already seen amazing results.

Thank you so much for contacting me, I really enjoyed meeting you and reading your testimony about how my home remedies are helping.


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