Grandma's Termite Pest Control &
Organic Do It Yourself Pest Control

photo of a termite photo of a pile of termite wings photo of a nest of termites

Why would anybody use all those dangerous chemicals and pesticides when termite pest control can be handled with simple organic pest control ingredients that's safe for your family, pets and your home environment? There are actually 300 varieties of termites in the world, however only four varieties can be found in the United States. The one termite that causes real problems is called, "subterranean termite," and is responsible for 95% of all damage.

Termites change homes and areas by colonization flights from one colony to set up a new one. This usually takes place in the fall or early in the spring or summer depending on the species of termite. . The winged termites are the reproductive ones and after mating the queen will lose her wings.

Here is an interesting fact about termites; Both the male and female break off their wings, run around in circles and then hide under a rock for protection and seal themselves in and mate for life.

Colonies have to grow very slow at first so that they can develop their workers. Colonies can have hundreds to thousands of termites with colonies reaching 500,000 individuals in some areas.

One of the worst varieties of termites is called the, "Formosan Subterranean Termite," they are more common in the Gulf States, Hawaii, Georgia, and southern California. The colonies can number in the millions and can be found in building walls, under roofs and in trees. This variety of termite soldiers can secret a gluey type of defense fluid from their heads. They will send their soldiers out to displace other types of termites once they decide to take over an area. To identify their soldiers, look for the oval-shaped heads instead of the typical square head.

Termites really aren't considered to be a bad insect, I guess that's debatable when they are eating your home. In nature they are real troopers when it comes to cleaning up the dead wood in the forest and around our property. They also provide food for many other insects, including many insects that are beneficial to our gardens and environment.

photo of homemade grape jelly one of three ingredients for organic termite pest  control photo of canned cat food one of three ingredients for organic termite pest control photo of a can of boric acid one of three ingredients for organic termite pest control

Organic Termite Pest Control
Recipes, Suggestion & Natural Resources

I'll never forget the first time my home was invaded by termites in early spring. I thought they were flying ants. While I was researching for a natural termite pest control we suddenly had a second invasion, of carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are a natural predator of termites and consider them to be a gourmet delicacy. Within a few hours my kitchen floor was covered with termite wings, suddenly the carpenter ants left as fast as they arrived. Of course my research taught me that if we didn't get to the source, the queen & the nest, invasions would continue to get worse.

Did you know that termites can live 50 years?

Here's the do it yourself pest control recipe that Grandpa used to finally rid our home of termites & carpenter ants.

  • 4 tablespoons of grape jelly
  • 3 tablespoons of canned cat food
  • 1 tablespoon of boric acid

Place a teaspoon of this recipe in locations you think the termites and carpenter ants may be nesting (be careful that you don't place it in locations that pets can find it). The workers will bring this mixture back to the nest to feed the queen and offspring. You may have to repeat this again the following spring for a natural termite pest control, but the invasion will be much smaller. Grandpa did this about 5 years ago and we are completely free of termite and carpenter ant invasions.

Termite Pest Control & Essential Oils

There are two essential oils that you can purchase in any health food store;

  • vetiver oil
  • clove bud oil

Vetiver oil has the ability to repel the termites and keep them away from your home, while the clove bud oil will kill the termites within a few days of exposure. Use each essential oil separately and put into a fine mist sprayer. Spray any old or damp wood around your property and areas you suspect the termites are invading your home.

Termite Pest Control & Aloe

You can take the Aloe plant and crush the entire plant in water. Let it soak for several hours then strain, add 1 part aloe to 5 parts water into a mist sprayer and spray directly on the termites, this will kill them fast.

Termites and Natural Pest Control

  • Keep wood trim and house free of paint chipping, a fresh coat of paint will keep termites away
  • Don't lean tools, ladders, or any object against the house for termites to have an area to craw and invade your house
  • Wooden trellises that are attached to the house should never touch the soil
  • Shrubbery that grows next to your home gives termites an excellent place to nest and invade your home
  • Keep trees from overhanging on our roof
  • Repair any cracks in your concrete or masonry.
  • Keep your crawlspace dry
  • Keep firewood away from the house and store on cement

The time of day, temperature, rainfall and the environment you live in has an impact on insects and natural pest control. For instance, treating an apartment in a heavy populated city would have to be thought out differently than if you lived on a farm or in the suburbs. Whatever your living circumstances there is always a natural organic way to protect your environment and adjust the recipes for termite pest control.


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