by Sandra
I was told once that if you burn yourself at home or work, to take a slice of raw potato and lay it over affected area. Of course I thought that was silly. Ice was my method, though to be honest it rarely took away the burning sensation. As life or luck would have it I was cooking something involving grease not much later. As I stood barefoot at the stove a glob of grease, in slow motion, came popping out of the pan and helpless to move I watched as it landed on the top of my foot. It seemed a perfect time to test the potato theory. I cut a slice off a potato and placed it over my burn (after wiping off the grease of course). It took the burning sensation away immediately! I left it on for like 30 minutes, switching out potato slices when the burning came back, and was able to take a shower that same day with no discomfort whatsoever. No peeling or blistering and you could hardly tell I was burned. Just a smaller pink circle was left. Really works!
If your skin is severly burned please see a professional!
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