Saving money in the bathroom

by Susan

I enjoyed reading your tips! I didn't know all of them.

Did you know you can avoid uglying toilet cleaner if you replace it with the cheapest shampoo you can find? Buy one of those toilet brushes that come with a cup to hold the brush. Half fill the cup with inexpensive shampoo. Swish the toilet every day and it will always be fresh, without you having to spend a lot, and without exposing you to caustics.

It always makes the little room smell nicer, too!

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Feb 19, 2009
Bathroon Cleaing Tip
by: Grandma

Hi Susan,

Thank you so much for submitting your unique tip on cleaning the toilet. I never thought of using shampoo to clean a toilet. That's a job we all dread, especially since we always thought we'd have to use harsh chemicles. I've always used bleach and many times the fumes would about knock me out. Keeping a shampoo in a toilet bowl brush container and just pulling the brush out would make such a difference. Plus, it's a good way to use up all those shampoos we buy and find it's too harsh for our hair.

I'm so glad you found some of my tips helpful. Isn't it fun to exchange money saving tips?


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