Savine Money for Phone Bill & Gas Bill

by Paula

Everytime i use my phone I put $5.00 in an envelope i keep just right by the phone, so by the time the bill comes it pays the phone and the internet bill...I do the same for the car with $40.00 or larger if you're using it whole day instead of $5.00... hope this helps

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Sep 06, 2011
Savings Tips
by: Grandma

Hi Paula,

We can sure use some tips on getting our bills paid and especially for buying gas for our cars. It's just unreal how much gas prices just keep climbing.

I can remember when I first started driving I would go through tough times trying to figure out how to make enough money to get a few gallons of gas in my dad's car to go out roaming around and gas was 27 cents a gallon! Now I'm really showing my age...ha!

Thanks for the tips,


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