Rose Hip Tea and Fibroid

by GAP

Can drinking rosehip tea help shrink fibroid?

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Mar 14, 2013
Fibroid & Herbal Teas
by: Grandma

Hello Gap,

I'm so sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, I had to go away for a few days.

Rose Hip tea is a really nice tea to get in the habit of drinking and it's really high in vitamin C but I really don't know if it can help with Fibroid condition. I haven't heard any testimony that I can pass on to you. I have heard that Kombucha Tea can help with conditions like Fibroid and many other health issues. I realize finding the culture to make Kombucha tea can be a bit tricky. And of course taking the time to brew it, usually about 10 days takes some patience. But once you start making it you will always have a culture and make it whenever you want. You can find the recipe for the tea if you look under the Medicinal Teas.


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