Reg Blood in Saliva

by shailaja


I had nose bleed a few days ago and it subsided but yesterday i noticed blood in my saliva .I am really scared whether this could be something serious. Please help


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Mar 05, 2010
Bloody Nose & Blood in Saliva
by: Grandma

Hello Shailija,

It's hard for me to say if this is something you should see a physician about. I'm wondering what is causing your nose to bleed. The blood you are seeing in your saliva could be dried blood from your nose bleed that may have settled in some pockets in your mouth or throat.

I'd suggest you try using a neti-pot with warm salt water (use sea salt) to clear your nostrils and sinus cavity. I'd also suggest you gargle and rinse your mouth and throat with warm salt water. This will not only rinse your nose, throat and mouth but if there are any cuts or sore spots the salt will help heal the area.

If you are still seeing blood in your saliva after you try this a few days you should go see your physician. I'm not a physician so I wouldn't dare try to make a diagnoses I'm just giving you the same advice I'd give to one of my children or grandchildren.


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