Recycling Cans

We all drink a good coke every once in awhile. But did you know you can get some of your money back? Well, when we buy a drink we pay for the BOTTLE and the product(coke inside). But if it wasnt for the bottle it would be cheaper. But now if you go to a recycling store you can get your money back! I have earned at least 25 dollars from all the cans I have stored in a week! Plus your also helping the envorment.

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Sep 27, 2010
recyling pays off
by: Beccie

I saw your comments about recyling. I was wondering, isn't that depending on where you live. I know I have seen 5C back on Connecticut. Does this go for everyone? It is a wonderful idea to recycle.
We have found that we can recycle our cardboard boxes by giving them to my dog. She's a big girl and a small to medium size box will last her a couple of days. She's a little over a year and is still trying on her new teeth. It is great fun to watch and she has a good time. It also breaks down the box much better than we can.
LOL Beccie

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