Psoriasis Remedy

by alicia simpsom
(rossville,georgia, USA)

Take hair food apply to affected area within a week it will be gone.... you can buy at any dollar store or dollar tree for one dollar.... It is the only thing that has helped my husband, hair food has made the psoriasis disappear .... anything the Doctors prescribed didn't work and the prescriptions were very expensive!!!!!

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Jul 05, 2013
Strange Remedy for Psoriasis
by: Grandma

Hello Alicia,

Before I write anything else I want to apologize about it taking me so long to publish your submission. I've been experiencing a computer glitch and just wasn't comfortable publishing anything until I was sure it was taken care of.

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and your testimony about your husbands psoriasis and the remedy you used. I'm really curious about it, hair food? I've never heard of it, is it in the shampoo dept. of the dollar store? I have a friend that has been suffering with an awful case of psoriasis and has tried everything, like your husband. Please tell me more about this product so I can buy some for her. Also, how did your husband apply it and how often?

Thanks again,


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