Prevent Ear Infections and Sinus Infections

by April Clark
(Spring, TX)

I give my daughter and myself acedophillus. It is amazing! She has never had an ear infection or a sinus infection and she is 19 months old. I hear that is unheard of. So try it. It is totally natural. It is a probiotic that is naturally found in yogurt but in higher doses when bought at the health food store. There is no need to buy a "children's" brand I never have. I keep it on hand and use for prevention. The first sign of a cold my baby and I take a larger dose. She has never needed antibiotics yet!

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Mar 17, 2010
A New Home Remedy
by: Grandma

Hi April,

I have to admit, I have never heard of acedophillus as a home remedy to prevent colds and ear infections. I'm sure lots of concerned parents that are sick and tired of using all those over-the-counter cold remedies for their children will pay attention to your testimony.

Thank you so much for sharing this amazing tip with us. I'm always amazed at how much I have learned through building Grandma's Wisdom. Which goes to prove there is so much wisdom to be shared and not just by grandma's, you young mothers are so full of passion and wisdom.


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