Neck Injury & Natural Pain Relief

Hi Grandma, I was hoping you could give me some advice as to what I could do for my husband, my husband has his neck fused in 3 levels, he is still always in pain, and the Dr just wants to continue cutting. I mix an almond oil w/lavender, euculiptis, and peppermint oil for arthitis and this really helps him. Do you have any other suggestions?

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Oct 20, 2010
Neck Pain & Natural Pain Relief
by: Grandma

Hello Cathy,

I wrote a whole page on Neck Pain and Natural Pain Relief. You can find it if you click on the button on the left that reads "Ailments/Remedy", then just scroll down to the middle of the page and you'll find a link that says, Neck Pain and Natural Pain Relief. The ointment you are using sounds really good and I'm sure it does give your husband some relief.

I know how you feel about the Dr.'s always wanting to keep cutting, especially when you know how miserable your husband feels after already getting operated on. Have you thought about alternative treatments? Maybe a chiropractor could help him, or perhaps physical therapy or massage therapy. There are so many alternatives offered today for pain relief. There are even natural herbal alternatives for pain relief, like Omaga Oils that could lubracate the joints. A natural health paractioner could point you in the right direction there.

One thing I would suggest is to try Magnesium, it's a natural muscle relaxer and it really works wonders for pain relief. Many times when we go through truma from an accident or surgery our body depletes our magnesium just trying to give us relief, when you add this to your diet each day it can make a huge difference in being able to deal with pain. I've used it for my knee pain, especially since I've had surgery and it's been a God-send for me. You just desolve 4 under your tongue a couple of times a day and you'd be surprised at how much relief it will give.


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