Linseed Tea for Chest/lung problems

by Caroline O'Sullivan

I read in a book recently about linseed tea being a good remedy for Chest Congestion & Nagging Cough.

My mother suffers from COPD and usually is breathless. She also is prone to a lot of chest infections. I started making the linseed tea and she takes a glass each day.

After the first week she found a great improvement in her breathing. She has been taking this tea now for the past three months and has not had a chest infection, reduced her steriods from 4 a day to 1 a day, and is coughing less.

As the tea is tastless, I add apple juice, ginger root, honey and cloves.


Bring to boil 1/2 litre of water, 1/2 apple juice, ginger root, 8 whole cloves and 3 tablespoons of honey.

Simmer for 15 minutes and strain. The tea becomes like a jelly solution so it is best to sip it slowly when cool. It can be stored in the fridge for 3 days.

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Nov 11, 2011
Linseed Tea
by: Gail

This recipe for the Linseed Tea doesn't have any linseeds listed. Please advise how much flaxseeds to add to this recipe.

Mar 31, 2011
Home Remedy for Chest Congestion
by: Grandma

Hello Caroline,

I'm so thrilled to meet someone from Ireland. I just love how modern technology brings us together, like you're just a phone call away. :)

Thank you so much for your home remedy. I have never heard of Linseed Tea and what a wonderful home remedy it is for chest congestion and lung problems. It was so kind of you to not only tell us about the home remedy and how much it has helped your mother but also provide the recipe. I'm sure your home remedy will help so many people suffering from this awful breath-taking disease.

God Bless You!


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