Incredible Chamomile
Grandma's Favorite Medicinal Herb

a monarch butterfly visiting an incredible chamomile garden a field of incredible chamomile A field of incredible chamomile and wheat

Grandma's favorite edible flower is, without a doubt, incredible chamomile. Chamomile's sweet apple flavor and fragrance make a delicious tea. The relaxing medicinal benefits, along with the ease of growing, harvesting, drying and digesting makes the chamomile plant one of the most beneficial plants in a medicinal herb garden.

This annual plant has tiny daisy-like flowers immortalized in "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" when Mrs. Rabbit brewed a calming tea for her son Peter.

Chamomile (Matricaria recuitita) grows 1 to 2 feet tall in full sun. It prefers neutral to slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Incredible Chamomile reseeds itself easily, and can be invasive in some regions. Check with your local nursery or cooperative extension service to see if it's invasive in your climate.

photo of bundles of incredible chamomile hanging upside down for drying Drying Chamomile is so easy, just cut a bundle of these delicate flowers from your organic medicinal garden and hang upside down, set a container or newspaper under the bundle to catch the petals as they dry and fall off. Store in an airtight container and use as needed. It just doesn't get much easier then that, does it?

Brewing a cup of Chamomile Tea:Steep 2 to 4 teaspoons of fresh or dried flowers with a cup of boiled water for three minutes. Strain and serve. If you like your tea sweetened just add a teaspoon of honey. It's so easy, relaxing and very medicinal.

Caution! Drink chamomile tea in moderation as it contains thuaone; ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile. And always check drug regimen for possible reactions with other drugs, alcohol or food.

Medicinal Reason to Explore
Incredible Chamomile

photo of a beautiful tea cup of incredible chamomile tea The word Chamomile comes from the Greek word meaning "ground apple". Most likely because of the sweet apple flavor and fragrance, which is why it is also used as incense.

This medicinal herb was once used by Egypt as a cold remedy.

Chamomile is used as a mild sedative, and is good for insomnia as well as many other nervous conditions. It is nervine and sedative especially suited to teething children and those who have been in a highly emotional state over a long period of time.

Because Chamomile is known as one of the safest herbs it is highly recommended for children suffering from stomach cramps, insomnia and even colic.

Chamomile flowers are used in alternative medicine as an anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, nervine, stomachic, tonic, vasodilatory. The anti-inflammatory properties make it good for rheumatism, arthritis, and other painful swellings. Additional uses in herbal medicine include an antispasmodic for intestinal and menstrual cramps, relieving gas pains, and a very mild but efficient laxative. Milder tea in large doses is given throughout the day for fevers, sore throats, the aches and pains due to colds, flu, and allergies.

The edible flowers are quite tasty in salads or made into a refreshing cold or warm beverage.

photo of a box of store bought Chamomile Tea with black tea cup beside it If you're not into growing your own herb garden you can buy Chamomile tea in any grocery store, drug store or health food store. You can even mix Chamomile with many other herb teas. Peppermint and Spearmint make a really nice mix and this mix is especially good for relaxing stomach cramps.

The flowers are also used for cosmetics and salves. Chamomile can also be found in expensive organic bath oils. You can place the petals in a cotton bag and add it to your bath water the aromatic flowers are great for aromatherapy.


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