Home Remedy for Internal Hemorrhoids and Chronic Anal Fissures

by michelle

Does your Vaseline remedy help with internal hemorrhoids and anal fissures or is it just for external hemorrhoids? Thanks.

Do you know of any other good remedies for internal and external hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The doctors medicine is expensive and has side effects thanks

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Aug 25, 2013
Internal Hemorrhoids Simple Remedies
by: Grandma

Hello Michelle,

I know how uncomfortable and painful the symptoms of dealing with Internal Hemorrhoids and Chronic Anal Fissures can be because Grandpa has been dealing with this for years. Although the Vaseline remedy isn't a cure it sure helps him in relieving the painful symptoms. Yes, use it daily, after every bowl movement and it will relieve internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. It also gives the inflamed tissues time to heal.

Another remedy you might want to try is taking a teaspoon of Grandmas Molasses Original every day (no, I don't make it, Ha!) you can find it in your grocery store, just make sure it says "unsulphured". This has a lot of minerals and healing agents that will heal the soreness internally. I've had Grandpa taking it for years. I know these remedies work because when he starts getting stubborn and stops using the Vaseline and taking the molasses his symptoms return, including bleeding. As soon as he goes back on my remedy he sees great results.

I know what you mean about the medication the doctors recommend, they are very expensive and seem to make the symptoms worse.


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