High Testosterone

by SC
(Washington, DC)

Hi Grandma,

My daughter is in her early thirties and has high testosterone levels. What natural remedy can she take? The Doctor wants to put her on estrogen but we want to go the natural route. Many thanks.


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Apr 13, 2012
Natural Hormone Replacement
by: Grandma

Hello NC,

I don't blame you for looking for natural alternatives for your daughter. I did write a whole page on Natural Menopause Remedies. Just go to the button on the left "Home Remedies" and look for the link for "Natural Menopause Remedies".

If the doctor is thinking about putting her on Hormone Replacement you might want to consider reading what Suzanne Somers wrote about Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement. If it was my daughter I wouldn't hesitate to go this route. The hormones the medical profession offer is really dangerous, I've read too many studies about how it can cause breast cancer etc....I hope you'll at least consider going to www.suzannesomers.com and look at the top for "Health & Hormone" and read about all the studies she has done on hormone replacement. She even provides a link to find a doctor in your area that's an expert in this field.


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