Gary's Vitamin Rich Tonic

My remedy is a simple one that is made up of spices with many attributes. like a very powerful vitamin and or tonic.

Even you eat all the proper amount of nutrient based foods... their is no assurance that your getting the proper amount and or the nutrient can be missing altogether. This is my insurance.

I use the following a small glass with warm to hot water.,will turn to a gel..i use one quarter to one half tsp each,

1. Cinnamon
2. Tumeric, i use Curcumin (the major component of turmeric) has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant properties.
3. Chia seeds, alternative is Flaxseed, but flaxseed has to be milled and only good for approx two weeks in fridgerator then can go rancid.
4. Cayenne pepper
5. Fenugreek seeds
6. Top off with Organic Honey....mix well..down the hatch.
you will feel the difference.

Note/ Please feel free to visit the following web site. Believe grandma's way of thinking and certainly is mine..
very informative.. you will not regret doing so.

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Mar 07, 2014
Thank you Gary!
by: Grandma

Hello Gary,

Thank you so much for taking so much of your time to share your wisdom with us. I have noticed you not only have shared the wisdom of your tonic but also you have taken the time to answer many of the questions posted in this forum. I'm so impressed that you not only answered questions and suggested several formulas you have found useful for yourself but also provided links for further research for anyone that wants to expand their own wisdom.

Bless you Gary for your unselfishness of your time and effort to help so many people,


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