Earthmotherenergy Home Remedy

by juanita

I have several home remedies that helped me with my cholesterol and blood pressure. I also have a remedy for aches and pains.

The recipe I post here will be for toothache and it works amazingly well! use equal amounts of star anise, plantain root, and clove, I just put a 1/8 cup of each in a quart pan and boil for 15 minutes, let cool and remove herbs. Use as a gargle. Store in icebox no longer than a week.

I hope this helps you I am not good with posting recipes.

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Aug 09, 2011
tincture for toothaches
by: earthmotherenergy

Thank you so much for adding me. I would like to add to my previous recipe an option for healing with a tincture, if you place the ingredients for the toothache remedy , place in a one liter bottle of vodka, make sure the herbs are covered. shake mixture well then store in a dark cool place. I shake it about every 2 to 3 days and after 2 to 3 weeks I remove the herbs and put the liquid in a dark brown jar. I use for a gargle, and after a couple months of use I noticed that I could chew ice again and did not need a straw to drink cold liquids.It also freshens the breath. Try this and let me know your experience with it.
Dilute with water unless you want to use full strength on a throbbing tooth
Since tinctures are strong you will need to use the recommended dosage which is 200 grams of dried herb or 300 grams of fresh herb to 1 liter of vodka,35 to 40 % is the one you will want to use.

Aug 09, 2011
Home Remedy for Toothache
by: Grandma

Hi Juanita,

Thank you so much for sharing your home remedy for toothache. You did just fine writing the recipe. I hope you'll share more of your home remedies with us in the future.

Dealing with a nagging toothache can be so miserable it's nice that you shared this so people can use your recipe to get them through the pain until they can get to a dentist.


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