
by Christine
(Nürnberg, Germany)

You will need olive oil, garlic, and Q-tips.

Put some olive (2-3 Tbsp) oil in a small container that you can cover.
Last time I used an empty jar of baby food.
Take a clove of garlic, peel it and chop it up. Put the garlic into the olive oil and let it soak for a couple of hours.

Soak the Q-tip in the oil. Hold the tip at the opening of the ear and just slowly twirl the tip to release the fluid into the ear. Repeat several times.

Do this a couple times a day.

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Dec 02, 2008
Home Remedy for Earache
by: Grandma

Hello Christine,

Thank you so much for sharing your home remedy for earache. I have heard about using olive oil and I've heard about using garlic but I wasn't sure how to go about putting them together to cure an earache.

I really appreciate that you took the time to share this great home remedy. And reusing a baby jar is a great idea to store the mix in. Those little jars can be so convenient for home remedies.


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