Diaper Rash Home Remedy
Used by Grandma's for Generations

Try using Grandma's inexpensive diaper rash home remedy that will keep your baby smiling and cooing. Don't torture your baby's sensitive skin with chemicals and perfumes anymore! It all starts with the basics.

baby laying on stomach with bare bottom getting sunshine

Healthy skin always has and always will revolve around clean drinking water, fresh air, and plenty of sunshine. The important thing to remember is your baby's skin is much more sensitive than yours. Which means;

  • Never use harsh antibacterial or deodorant soap to bath your baby.
  • Don't use anything which contains chemicals or perfumes on your baby's skin.
  • Stop using those handy baby wipes to clean your baby's bottom. Use only a mild soap (preferably goats milk and olive oil soap) and water on a clean, soft washcloth.
  • Don't wash your baby's clothes with yours. And only use a mild detergent to wash his/her clothes. Never use dryer sheets! Take a few drops of lemon juice on a washcloth and drop into the clothes dryer to make your baby's clothes smell fresh and clean.

Another important diaper rash home remedy is to give your baby fresh spring water everyday. One of the leading causes of diaper rash is strong urine. When your baby doesn't get enough water to flush out the toxins the urine will become strong and toxic to the skin.

photo of a toddler walking along with bottom out Those disposable diapers are convenient but can cause a lot of skin problems. Give your baby a break everyday and let the fresh air and if possible a little sunshine on your baby's bottom. Of course you don't need to go to the extreme of the picture on your left to get fresh air and sunshine on your child's bottom. Use common sense and the basic ingredients to healthy skin and you'll see a remarkable improvement in your baby's skin.

A Diaper Rash Home Remedy
That Heals and Protects

picture of a jar of Vaseline to show the best diaper rash home remedy From the first signs to a severe case of diaper rash Vaseline or any petroleum jelly is not only a soothing and healing diaper rash home remedy it will also put a protective coating on your baby's skin to allow for the natural healing process.

Nothing burns the sore broken skin more than urine. The protective coating of petroleum jelly will keep the fresh urine away from the skin. Make sure you apply a generous coat after each diaper change. Gently wash the area first with plain water and a soft washcloth. If your baby had a bowl movement then use a mild soap to clean up the area. Don't use the over-the-counter creams for diaper rash, it's irritating to the skin and it doesn't provide a protective shield from urination.

picture of box of cornstarch to show recommended diaper rash home remedy Once your baby's skin is healed and don't need the extra protection of petroleum jelly you can start applying a little corn starch, especially between the folds and creases of the skin. This will allow the areas to slide and keep from getting chapped. Cornstarch is free of perfumes and chemicals and it's one of the most natural home remedies used by Grandma's for many generations.


The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.


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