Basil, Mint and Mice!

by Sally C.
(Tucson, Arizona, USA)

My nursery guy told me they were having a terrible problem with mice this winter. When a cold snap came along (I live in S. Arizona) they put all the recently arrived basil plants in the office to keep them from freezing. Apparently the mice didn't like the basil because they headed for greener pastures. (:

I too, was having problems with mice this winter. I read in a catalog that some company is selling packets with mint in it that's drives the mice away. After getting sticker shock from the pest companies, I decided to give it a go by making my own. I got out some old cotton material and made little sachets (about 1x2). filled them with peppermint leaves, soaked them with mint oil and scattered them throughout the house where I thought mice might be. It worked!

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May 10, 2013
Chasing Those Mice Away!
by: Grandma

Hi Sally,

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. All rodents just hate mint. I do know planting mint around the border of your home can help chase the mice away. I really didn't know about the basil. That was a great idea you had to make your own little pouches of fresh mint and mint oil. I'm going to give that a try!

I can't tell you how much it means to me when visitors like you take the time to share their wisdom. Bless you!


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