Back Pain? Try Vinegar!

by Pete Turner

I recently had back surgery and while recovering I've been taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with some honey in an 8 oz glass of water and it seems to help the pain.

I was inspired by my aunt who died at 95 due to an accident. Up to the day she died she lived in her own house, own a car and was mentally sharp. The only medicine she took was Tylenol. She claimed that vinegar was good for what ails you and she took a daily dose. Maybe vinegar is the secret to a long life.

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Feb 05, 2015
by: Gerc

I was also been told by my mom that vinegar has many good effects and is very much useful for a wide variety of uses too. It would be something that the people would not know off only such talks.

Jun 19, 2009
Back Pain & Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Grandma

Hello Pete,

Thank you so much for sharing your tip for back pain and apple cider vinegar. I have heard of many reasons to take a dose of apple cider vinegar but I have to admit this is the first time I heard of it helping with back pain.

Honey also has a lot of healing properties so the combination of both could very well be what helped your back pain.

Your Grandma had the right idea, the more we can all stay away from medication and use natural home remedies the healthier we will all be.

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