Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey for Weight Loss

by Irene Tidwell
(Ashland City, TN (USA))

I read the label on the bottle of Apple Cider vinegar about how to use it for health and weight loss. I have been discouraged with all the other diet plans that just don't work for me so I decided to try it. You would not believe how much I have lost! I started this tonic (I call it a potion) in March 2009 and to date I have lost over 30 pounds and still losing!!!!

So many people have commented on my weight loss and wanting to know my secret but it isn't a secret! I work for the State of Tennessee and since I have been a living example of the benefits of vinegar and honey for weight loss, several people in my department have started using this recipe and are losing weight also.

My recipe is simple:

1 cup of hot water
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of vinegar

Mix all together. Drink 3 cups a day.

I'm glad I tried this, it works!


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Oct 23, 2009
Vinegar Recipe and Weight Loss
by: Grandma

Hi Irene,

It's so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for sharing your weight loss testimony and vinegar and honey recipe with us. I just love hearing about natural home remedies for things like weight loss. It's scary to think of how many people are taking those dangerous drugs and eating all that processed foods and shakes when they could simply try your recipe for weight loss and not worry about side effects or be living on an unhealthy diet. We all know in the long run these things never really work because our bodies have a way of letting us know we aren't treating it right.

Thank you again Irene, please stop back often. It looks like from the last comment you have a good friend that is watching you get that girly figure back..:) I'm sure you must be so proud.


Oct 23, 2009
by: Debbie Temple

I can attest to her success. She just keeps shrinking.

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